Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Very Googly Operating System & Alien Life Forms

You may or may not have been following the rumours for a while now, that Googles been hard at work on yet another operating system (over and above the highly successful Android platform for mobile phones) called Chrome OS.  Yes like it says, will basically just be the Chrome browser on steroids.  Lets face it, 95% of us spend 95% of our time on a computer inside the browser so why not add some operating system functionality in there and be done with it! If they can pull this off, and have it boot in under 5sec (I understand they are aiming for boot speeds of as low as 2-3sec) then it'll definitely be worth looking at!

Not to get into too much detail but NASA just found life forms based on chemical compounds not thought possible before.  This life form apparently substitutes one of the "building blocks" of life for Arsenic when or if needed.  Put simply, it gives them many many more places to look or even consider in the universe that could support life as we know it.  Intense stuff..

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