Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mapping Trends Worldwide & "Houston, We've Had a Problem"

Sometimes because of the vast nature of worldwide social media there isn't always one or two particular topics of discussion that stand out at any given time.  So my hunt for topics today led me to an amazing site that collates all the tending topics from around the world & maps them based on location information embedded in the tweets themselves.  From this one map of the world you can zoom into any country / city, click on trending words & get tweets based on that word in realtime.

Everyone knows the line, whether its remembered as "Houston, We Have a Problem" or "Houston, We've Had a Problem" is neither here nor there much like how everyone thought the famous line from Casablanca was "Play it again, Sam"  But this new website ( plans to at least solve the argument over famous words uttered in space by NASA astronauts.  Fully indexed transcripts of radio transmissions between astronauts in space & NASA ground control will be available for all to read.  They already have the famous Apollo 13 mission online and by the looks of things will soon have Apollo 8 (first human space flight to leave earth) & Apollo 11 (first manned moon landing) online also.  Look forward to those indeed!

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