Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Chili Pepper 540x the Strength of a Jalapeño & Doggehs Instead of Kittehs

I don't normally support Fox News but I couldn't find anyone else reporting this so will have to point there for this one.  A Chili Pepper grown in a snow covered greenhouse in North Western England of all places as been recognised as the hottest chili pepper in the world.  The "Nagar Viper", as it's known, is said to be hot enough to strip paint.  It's also so hot experts are considering using it in "spice bombs" to incapacitate enemy soldiers in battle.

The internet goes crazy over Kitteh videos and pics, just look at the runaway success LOLcats has been on the world.  Well i've never understood it because i'm much more a Dog person.. so I bring you cute Doggehs for people like me.. I've embedded the most "awww" worthy one below!

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