Monday, December 6, 2010

Facebook Will Never "Be Finished" & Music Videos 2.0

As some, if not, most of you will probably know by now another major development to Facebooks profile pages has been launched. Zuckerberg decided to do this in conjunction with a 60mins piece in the States.  You can enable the new look profile here if you like.  You'll be asked to fill in a few blanks (it surprised me I didn't have anything entered for spoken languages) & then you can opt to be shown a tour of the new layout or dismiss it and get on with your day.  Aside from the messy summary at the top of the page directly under your name, I think its very nice - although I must admit it's purely a first impression, I haven't spent any time with the new layout to see how functional it is.  If early polling is anything to go by though most people either "Love it" or "Don't care"

This definitely caught my attention!  I've seen some crazy Russian (or at least I think it is) Facebook laden music videos before but not one in English.  Is this the future of club anthem music lyrics & videos? Either way, its fun and fantastic!

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