Monday, May 9, 2011

Tax breaks to software developers obviously not popular !

Planning on starting a business developing software? You better be an amazing coder (or know one), as the IRD will no longer give you a tax break on "unsuccessful" software projects.


So now there will be even less incentive to try new ideas and think outside the square in terms of software. Certainly points to a distinct lack of innovation on the horizon.  For a government apparently hell bent on progressing an economy (and really what government shouldn't be?) it sure seems like a weird decision.  As the NZ Herald article I've linked to brings up, what makes a software project "unsuccessful"? It's only used by 50 people? 500 people? what if those 50 people spent $10,000 each? IRD, you're not being very clear! Hopefully Wayne Mapps' "briefing", alluded to at the end of the article, makes him think twice about this.

On a more casual note, I came across a brilliant visual display of data. Search Globe by Google.  Shows a dark view of the globe with coloured beams of light showing search volume around the world.  The fascinating thing to me is not where the most searches are being performed but where the most remote places that have access to google are. What a world we live in.  See Wayne, innovation can provide amazing results. Lets keep the spirit alive in this country.

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