So it was the 19th anniversary of Freddy Mercurys passing and the Tweets are streaming in to commemorate the occasion. I must admit, I had no idea he passed away only 19 years ago. To be honest I've always thought it was a lot earlier. I grew up during the 80s when Queen was all over the radio! One can only imagine the passing of such a musical legend of his time was as widely mourned as MJ was just over a year ago. RIP Freddy Mercury, 5th Sept 1946 - 24th Nov 1991.
On a much brighter note for some parts of the world comes Thanks Giving. Now I know little about this Turkey eating holiday (we save our Turkeys for Christmas on this side of the globe) but it seems its just as simple as giving thanks for a decent harvest. Although with social media at play these days people are expressing what they themselves are thankful for in life. Ah the power of global connection.
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